Have a look in our gallery and see the sort of projects we can help you with or scroll down and find out more about Green Monster Arts and how we work…..
A Brief History of Monsters….
Green Monster Arts specialises in public and community arts.
The company was established in 1995 by Ann Gilligan.
Working on a freelance basis and subcontracting other artists and specialists when needed means Green Monster Arts has the flexibility to deliver any size of project with clients always getting a personal, bespoke service with Ann’s passionate creativity at the heart of it.
Green Monsters Are Friendly And Creative Monsters……
What ever your project big or small the arty monster team are here to help. We are full of bright ideas on how we can work with you to bring art into your life.
From one off workshops , community events, murals and mosaics through to completely transforming an outdoor space talk to us about getting it off the ground and involving you in the process.
We can even help you with getting funding!!
Our History
With a wide range of skills and materials to make both permanent and temporary artworks, Green Monster Arts involves the community in design and creation. We deliver quality artworks that enrich and empower peoples’ lives by engendering pride and ownership.

Community Improvement
The majority of the projects you will see in our galleries have directly involved local residents in design, making or both.
One of Green Monster Arts driving principles is an interest in the environment and in using the arts to empower people and give them a sense of ownership and responsibility towards their surroundings. Working in a way that is accessible and fun, Green Monster Arts employs many different methods on a diverse range of projects including public art, community celebrations and festivals, play schemes and residencies with schools and groups in parks, playgrounds, green spaces and community buildings.
We work with all ages and abilities, including special needs, from a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds.
Green Monster Arts offers a service of creative consultancy using a mixture of art, design and techniques developed from training in the ‘Planning for Real’ method of consultancy.

Improving School Grounds
From murals and playground markings to seating areas, gates and entrances, decorative fencing and sculpture. We can create buddy stops, quiet areas and games to improve the way the whole school uses its out door areas.
Using creative and original methods we can work with staff and pupils to develop a long term concept of improving the school grounds which can then be implemented over time.
Safe Routes to Schools Strategies
We work with pupils, staff & councils to create fun and memorable artwork and slogans that can be put into signs, road markings and publicity to promote the use of safe routes to schools. Encourage walking and crossing in safe places. Discourage driving and anti social parking as well as addressing other issues such as litter, dog fouling and the benefits of exercise.
Residences & Art Weeks
From one day to a week or more Green Monster can deliver high impact art projects tailored to meet the needs of the school, taking into consideration curriculum, pupil numbers, timescale and budget and leave the school with artworks designed by the people who use the space to enjoy and take inspiration from for years to come.

“We could not have found an artist who was more willing to listen to our requirements than Ann!”
Nice things people have said about working with
Green Monster Arts…
Monster News